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Is Your Home’s Water Supply Truly PURE Freshwater?
24/7 Emergency Service

With the recent and consistently large amount of rain and wet weather we have been receiving this spring, it seems fitting to discuss what is affected by quality of water IN our homes. In this month’s blog post we will help you gain a full understanding of the various impacts that water quality has both on ourselves as well as our homes!

Water quality can often be something that is overlooked in our busy lives or simply addressed by buying bottled water that we believe to be better than what is coming from our faucets. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and in some circumstances, can even be worse than what we have coming from our faucets. Additionally, the quality of water in our home involves much more than just drinking water. Water quality can affect our bodies, skin, hair, and can even affect our home’s appliances, pipes, efficiency, and longevity of fittings.

As you can see water effects much more than just what initially comes to mind when we consider water quality. We will discuss below the most common types of water pollutants, the signs that they are present, and what we can do to help counteract the effects that they have on our homes and bodies.

Water Hardness

Hard water is defined as dissolved calcium and magnesium in water. It is most often identified by white scale build up that can be present on dishes, shower heads, and faucets. Water hardness seems harmless enough and often we simply wipe off our dishes and go on with our day. However, what we are failing to see is the effects that hard water has over time as it begins to build up in our pipes, settled in our water heaters, and ultimately reduce the overall efficiency of our homes. A water heater can loose as much as 20% of its efficiency over 5 years as a solid layer of buildup settles to the bottom of the tank and creates an energy consuming barrier between the heating source and the water above that we are trying to heat. Proper whole home filtration or purification systems can ensure that these solids are filtered from our water helping to keep our homes safer and more efficient.


Acidity is another issue commonly found in household water. Acidity can cause damage to your home’s appliances and metal surfaces by slowly deteriorating them over time. It also causes dryness of skin, is damaging to your hair, and reduces the effectiveness of soaps. This is because most soaps are alkaline based cleaning products and mixing them with acidic water reduces their alkalinity and therefore their effectiveness.


Iron is most often visible as red or orange rings that are present on toilets, sinks, and can even stain cloths and other fabrics. Iron often becomes an unsightly nuisance and can affect the clarity and smell of the water that you are consuming.


City water contains chlorine that is added by water treatment facilities in order to kill and prohibit the growth of bacteria in city water and water systems. While it is effective in keeping our water safe, homes in cities with higher levels often have unintended side effects as a result. Chlorine will destroy rubber and even metal over time as it slowly eats away at piping and appliances. Additionally, when this water is used to bathe and shower it can also cause skin irritation, dryness, and is unhealthy for our bodies when consumed in high levels.

For many the extent and long-term effects of the quality of water in our homes can be surprising. Even more surprising is learning that many of these quality issues still exist in some brand name bottled water products (See article). The good news however is that these issues can be properly treated with a whole home water treatment system. These systems ensure that we are using the best possible quality of water for consumption, bathing, and cleaning. The most effective way to determine the extent of water purification needs that your home’s water supply requires is to have a water analysis completed. Progressive Service Company proudly offers our customers FREE in-home water quality analysis appointments to help ensure our customers are properly caring for their homes and family. Please feel free to call with any questions or to setup an appointment today!

Proper Home Plumbing Maintenance
24/7 Emergency Service

Progressive Service Company always encourages our customers to take a proactive approach to maintaining their homes as well as embracing value adding upgrades or improvements. Each month we try to address one of these topics through our blog posts.

This February, in light of the severe freezes that NC has endured, we would like to focus on tips and best practices for your home’s plumbing system to make certain that you are properly maintaining one of your home’s most vital, but also potentially damaging, internal systems. A large number of the problems that occur in a home are related to plumbing issues, and many times these issues could be avoided with proper habits and routine maintenance. Below we have listed a basic outline that is designed to help you create proper habits for maintaining your home and preventing issues, where possible, from occurring.


  1. Run faucets and flush toilets in any bathrooms that are not used on a regular basis.
  2. Listen to your home’s plumbing system: often times we can hear issues that arise in our home’s plumbing system even before we can see them. A clang that occurs when a water-based appliance shuts off, running toilets, and whining shower heads or faucets can all represent potential issues. Be sure to identify the concern and contact a professional before a small fix becomes a major issue.
  3. Check your washing machine supply lines: a bulge or balloon in a washing machine line can indicate that you have too high of water pressure coming into your home. This could result in extensive water damage and should be addressed by a professional immediately.


  1. If your water heater is less than two years old, you can help to extend the life of the product by safely draining it twice per year. Doing so will help to remove solids that have settled in the bottom of the tank and help prevent build ups that can damage the heater and reduce efficiency. If your unit is older than two years it may not be a good idea to do so as damage may have already occurred and draining could reveal issues sooner. For more information or any questions feel free to give us a call and we can discuss them with you.
  2. Cover outdoor spigots in the winter: If you live in an area that is susceptible to cold freezes, cover your spigots with an insulation cover and turn off water to them where possible.
  3. Inspect the exterior of your home: Walk around your home and look for signs of potential issues. Proper drainage around your home is necessary to ensure that you do not have rain water that is being diverted and settling back near your home’s foundations. If you see areas that are showing signs of potential issues, call a professional or repair the issue to prevent future damage. Be sure to check your crawlspace to make sure that you do not have any current moisture issues already.


  1. Have a professional check your Pressure Relief Valve or PRV: Changes in city water pressure due to new developments nearby or new construction can cause major issues for your home. Most home appliances are only rated to withstand 80 psi of water pressure. If your home has water pressure that is higher than 80 psi, you are putting your home in danger of flooding by not installing a proper PRV to regulate the pressure. Signs of high water pressure are hissing shower heads or faucets and/or bulging washing machine supply lines. If you see or hear any of these signs take immediate action to repair these issues.
  2. If you do not have a water purification system it is a good idea to have your water tested to ensure that you are providing your family with the best possible water quality. Your local water system can be susceptible to changes due to natural environmental or man-made issues that can occur many times throughout the year. It is a good idea to make sure that you know what quality of water that your family is consuming and bathing in. For a free water quality test, call us today!

Remember, this is just a starting guideline for you to begin to create your best practice habits for maintaining your home. Feel free to add to list as you customize it to fit your home’s particular needs. Additionally, if you have other questions or concerns that we have not addressed here, please feel free to give us a call at (877) 325-0180 or send us an email at info@callprogressive.com and we are happy to have an industry expert help to address your concerns!

Smart Home Plumbing & HVAC

As we enter 2018 and reflect on the previous year, there are many crazy things that rush into our minds, but for me as it relates to our homes, nothing stands out more than IoT (internet of things), and the increasing amount of smart technology in our homes. In fact, 2017 was predicted to see a 33% increase in the sale of smart home technologies and research shows that more than 41% of Americans now have some form of smart home technology working for them in their homes (State of the Market: Connected Home 2017, 2017). With the ever-increasing marketing surrounding these products it can be difficult to know which ones are the most important, and which ones can save you time, money, and headaches.

The current big sellers in smart home devices are smart home appliances such as vacuums and refrigerators, followed by thermostats, then security. All of these are helpful options; however, we would like to focus specifically on what we at Progressive know best, and what we believe can be the biggest saver and insurance for your home.

Smart HVAC and plumbing technologies

Smart thermostats now account for 16% of smart tech sales (Goovaerts, 2017). It has been shown that upgrading from a traditional thermostat to a smart thermostat can help increase your efficiency savings by 10-12% savings on heating and 15% savings on cooling, or about $131-145 in savings a year (Grant, 2016). Additionally, if you have an HVAC system that is more than 10 years old, if you upgrade to a new, properly installed, high-efficiency HVAC system you can see an additional total savings increase of 20% (Energy Savings at home – When is it time to replace?, n.d.). The savings are quite impressive and if you have been putting off replacing your HVAC system now maybe the time to take advantage of the new increases in efficiency available. Additionally, customers who are utilizing these smart and efficient systems and are duke energy customers, are also getting the added benefits of rebates with Duke Energy’s Smart Saver programs. Visit their website to see if your home qualifies to start saving money today!

Many of us are familiar with the benefits of using a smart thermostat, but another interesting new smart home option to recently gain traction is smart water main shutoff valves. Although these do not offer direct savings from an efficiency standpoint, they to offer a comforting protection from emergency water loss situations. A leaking dishwasher, washing machine, or hot-water heater can cost you thousands in repairs and become a major headache. These new shutoff valves feature remote sensors that can be placed in high risk areas throughout the house. These remote sensors communicate back to a module that sits on your water main and will close it immediately if a sensor detects moisture. Whether it’s an upgrade to a vacation home or a safety net for your primary residence, these systems pay for themselves in peace of mind and protection. Additionally, as this technology gains more public attention, some companies are now starting to offer homeowners insurance discounts for customers who are utilizing these technologies.

The excitement for technology continues as every year we see new innovative advancements in products and services that are designed to improve our lives by adding protection and increasing ease of use as well as efficiency. If you are interested in finding out how we can help to add convenience and protection to your home, feel free to give our smart home sales rep a call and we can answer any questions and provide you with an estimate for a smart home upgrade today!


Energy Savings at home – When is it time to replace? (n.d.). Retrieved from Energy Star: https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=heat_cool.pr_checklist_consumers

Goovaerts, D. (2017, May 05). More Than 40 Percent of Americans Have Adopted Smart Home Tech. What’s Stopping the Rest? Retrieved from Wireless.com: com/data-focus/2017/05/more-40-percent-americans-have-adopted-smart-home-tech-whats-stopping-rest

Grant, M. (2016, August 27). How much money can you save with a smart thermostat? Retrieved from Smartthermostatguide.com: https://smartthermostatguide.com/how-and-how-much-money-you-can-save-with-a-smart-thermostat/

State of the Market: Connected Home 2017. (2017, August 01). Retrieved from State of the Market: State of the Market: Connected Home 2017

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